Golfing Tips to Keep Your Back Healthy
GOLFER’S TIPS from the BC Chiropractic Association
1. Stretch before and after you do any strengthening exercises. Here are some recommended stretches:
- Side bending works the muscles on the sides of your back and hips
- Hip rotation stretches several muscles in your hip, pelvis and thigh region
- The hamstring stretch works the large muscles at the back of your thighs
- Back extension helps the muscles that bend your spine backward, while back rotation stretches the muscles that rotate your spine and shoulder muscles
- The shoulder stretch works shoulders and upper arms
2. Muscle-strengthening exercises can make your body stronger and more flexible:
- Wrist strength is very important during the impact phase of a golf game
- Strength in rotating the upper arms in either direction is important throughout the golf swing
- To improve form and strength in your golf swing, practice good posture by concentrating on using your abdominal and back muscles.
- Rowing strengthens the muscles of your upper back and shoulders.
- Pull-downs also work the shoulder and upper-back muscles.
3. When taking clubs out of your vehicle, bend your knees, slightly curve your spine, and gently lift the golf bag out of the vehicle.
4. ‘The clubs before the cart’ – Research shows that after one season of weekly golf games that involved walking the golf course, males over fifty significantly decreased their cholesterol count. [Source: October 1990 issue of The Physician and Sportsmedicine]
5. Warm up for your first swing. Make sure you stretch.
6. Bend your knees and use a golf club for support before stooping for the ball, or when preparing to tee off.
7. Ensure that you use correct posture and spinal angles when driving and putting.
8. Stretch to cool down after your game.
For more information on how chiropractic care can improve your golf game please contact Benefit Chiropractic & Wellness Clinic in Langley, BC at 604-534-7451.
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