
How Does Exercise Fit Into the Chiropractic Care Formula?

November 27th, 2023 in General Health Tips
How Does Exercise Fit Into the Chiropractic Care Formula?

Chiropractors are preoccupied with their patients’ health and wellbeing. As such, exercise is always a frequent topic of conversation. Patients will find exercise as part of their visit and exercise recommendations for between visits. Why does your chiropractor want you to exercise?


It may seem counterintuitive, but exercise can relieve pain. Pain is complicated; it has components that are biological, psychological, and social.

If you visit your chiropractor with any kind of pain, there is a good chance that the doctor will recommend some exercise because that exercise can relieve your pain.

How exercise relieves pain is not fully understood. Exercise strengthens both bone and muscle, which can reduce stress and load on joints. Exercise provokes an anti-inflammatory response in the body, increases serotonin levels, and may, actually, improve pain threshold.

Good for Joints

Surprisingly enough, exercise is also good for age-related joint degeneration and arthritis. Those aching knees or hips or back of yours will probably feel better if you get regular exercise.

You may find it hard to believe that exercise will help your aches and pains, but, in fact, this is true. This is why your chiropractor will often recommend exercise except in the case of a very recent and acute injury. And this is also why you should listen to your chiropractor.

If the thought of exercise strikes you as impossible, then consider some low-impact ways to exercise to get you started, like cycling—even on a stationary bike—or swimming. As you exercise more, you will find that it will get easier. Your joints will feel better, and you will have less pain. That is why your chiropractor will recommend exercise—for almost everyone.  

Benefit Chiropractic & Wellness offers chiropractic health care, acupuncture, and massage therapy in order to enable patients to live a healthy and happy lifestyle that is both pain and symptom free.

If you have any questions about this article or would like to make an appointment with one of the medical professionals at Benefit Chiropractic & Wellness, please call (604) 534-7451 or email info@benefitchiropractic.ca


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