
Top 5 Causes of Occupational Back Pain

January 28th, 2021 in Back Care

Back pain is one of the most common complaints from people everywhere. The back is a complicated apparatus, comprised of your spinal canal, bones, joints, ligaments, cartilage, nerves, and muscles which together hold the spinal cord. This is one of the most vital components of the nervous system.

Occupational back pain can affect individuals of any age, from young to old. As human beings get older, the chance of suffering from back pain increases, due to factors like degenerative disk illness and previous occupation.

In this blog, we will list the top five causes of occupational back pain.

Sitting: A hunched sitting position when working in front of laptops or computers can result in increased back pain. Back pain can come from poor posture or everyday activities. Sitting for prolonged periods can cause back pain. Sitting compresses your back, cuts off blood circulation and puts pressure on your muscles.

Weight: If you have a lot of weight you are more likely to suffer from back pain because of extra weight that your spine has to support.

Strain: Occupational back pain comes from tension, strain, or injury. Regular causes of back pain include strained muscles or ligaments, fractures, damaged discs, muscle spasm, and muscle tension. Sitting in a peculiar position and reaching awkwardly for things can exacerbate back pain.
A bulging or ruptured disc: Between your bones that make the spinal cord there are cushions of powerful connective tissues called discs. If the disc material begins to rupture or bulge it can cause acute back pain in your body.

Osteoporosis: This is an illness in which bone quality and density are reduced. As your bones become porous, they become more weak. This can cause back pain.

Chiropractors can help relieve your back pain. Come and see us if you are suffering from back pain.

Additional Resources

Understanding Back Pain and Seeking Treatment

Benefit Chiropractic & Wellness offers chiropractic health care, acupuncture, and massage therapy in order to enable patients to live a healthy and happy lifestyle that is both pain and symptom free.

If you have any questions about this article or would like to make an appointment with one of the medical professionals at Benefit Chiropractic & Wellness, please call (604) 534-7451 or email info@benefitchiropractic.ca


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